Nom de l'ouvrage*: Mine! A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs
Couverture:ISBN/ISSN: 978-0970562944
Nom du ou des auteurs*: Jean Donaldson
Informations sur le ou les auteurs:
Descriptif*: Dogs that become demonic around the food dish, snarly on the sofa or grouchy when chewing on a bone are all-too-common.
Finally, here s a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to help you recognize, evaluate and treat resource guarding in pet dogs.
From the author of The Culture Clash, Fight, Dogs Are From Neptune and Oh Behave! this book may just save your sanity and your relationship with your pet pooch.
A totally comprehensive and practical treatment of a common and very serious behavior problem,. Jean Donaldson translates complex animal learning theory into usable procedures without sacrificing scientific accuracy. Anyone who works with dogs will benefit from reading Mine --Suzanna Hetts, PhD, author of Pet Behavior Protocols
Once I started reading it, it quickly became apparent that this book should be mandatory reading material for virtually every dog owner. Brenda s description of the canine language and the contexts in which they occur is very well documented. --Ali Brown, author of Scaredy Dog! Understanding & Rehabilitating Your Reactive Dog
About the Author
Author Jean Donaldson has over 30 years experience in dog behavior and training. As the Founder and Director of the San Francisco SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers, Jean leads a new generation of dog trainers to better understanding of the research and science of canine behavior. Jean s award winning book, The Culture Clash, is a pivotal book in the dog trainer s library because it called into question many sacred assumptions about the origins of behavior and behavior problems. Jean lives in the San Francisco area with her Chow Chow, Buffy.
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Ce livre vous paraît-il faire une véritable promotion d'une approche positive et amicale du chien et/ou de son éducation?* complètement vu son auteure!
Selon vous, ce livre est à avoir absolument ou à éviter? A avoir quand on a un chien qui garde les ressources mais à priori, il ne concerne que les conflits de ressources de chien à humain et non de chien à chien qui est un sujet moins souvent abordé en littérature alors que le problème existe bel et bien!