Nom de l'ouvrage*: Dog behaviour, evolution, and cognition (second edition)
ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-19-878777-8
Nom du ou des auteurs*: Adam Miklosi
Informations sur le ou les auteurs: Adam Miklosi est un éthologue hongrois, spécialisé sur le comportement et la cognition du chien. Il est notamment le fondateur du "Family Dog Project".
Descriptif*: This is the first book to collate and synthesize the recent burgeoning primary research literature on dog behaviour, evolution, and cognition. The author presents a new ecological approach to the understanding of dog behaviour, demonstrating how dogs can be the subject of rigorous and productive scientific study without the need to confine them to a laboratory environment.
This second, fully updated edition of Dog Behaviour, Evolution and Cognition starts with an overview of the conceptual and methodological issues associated with the study of the dog, followed by a brief description of their role in human society. An evolutionary perspective is then introduced with a summary of current research into the process of domestication. The central part of the book is devoted to issues relating to the cognitive aspects of behaviour which have received particular attention in recent years from both psychologists and ethologists. The book's final chapters introduce the reader to many novel approaches to dog behaviour, set in the context of behavioural development and genetics. This second edition recognises and discusses the fact that dogs are increasingly being used as model organisms for studying aspects of human biology, such as genetic diseases and ageing. Specific attention is also given in this edition to attachment behaviour which emerges between humans and dogs, the importance of inter-specific communication in the success of dogs in human communities and the broad aspects of social cognition and how this may contribute to human-dog cooperation
Directions for future research are highlighted throughout the text which also incorporates links to human and primate research by drawing on homologies and analogies in both evolution and behaviour. The book will therefore be of relevance and use to anyone with an interest in behavioural ecology including graduate students of animal behaviour and cognition, as well as a more general audience of dog enthusiasts, biologists, psychologists, veterinarians, and sociologists.
Votre avis - vos remarques*: Ce n'est clairement pas un livre de chevet, il demande un peu (beaucoup ?) de concentration ! C'est un recueil scientifique / éthologue, donc il ne s'agit pas purement d'un livre sur l'éducation, même si forcément, quand on parle comportement et cognition, c'est relié à l'éducation...
Cela mis de côté, c'est une mine d'or concernant toutes les recherches scientifiques qui ont pu être faites sur la cognition, et le comportement du chien.
C'est un livre ultra-complet... qui fait apprendre beaucoup de choses d'un point de vue scientifique, et qui peut éclairer sur plein de points.
Pour se faire une idée sur le contenu du livre, voilà les grandes lignes du sommaire :
1- Dogs in historical perspective
2- Concepts in the study of dog behaviour
3- Methodological issues in the behavioural study of the dog
4- Dogs in anthropogenic environments : family and society
5- Comparative overview of Canis
6- The story of domestication : archaeological and phylogenetic evidence
7- The emergence of phenotypic novelty
8- Intra-specific social organization in dogs and related forms
9- The perceptual world of the dog
10- Physical-ecological problem solving
11- Affiliative and agonistic social relationships
12- Communication, play and collaboration
13- Social learning and social problem solving
14- Change of behaviour in time : from birth to death
15- The organization of individual behaviour
16- The genetic contribution to behaviour
Le livre fait 377 pages.
Prix indicatif: 45.40 € (vive les cadeaux de Noël !)
Où trouver ce livre?* : Internet
Ce livre vous paraît-il faire une véritable promotion d'une approche positive et amicale du chien et/ou de son éducation?*
(y est-il fait mention de la nécessité d'utiliser la coercition (méthodes/outils/attitude), de comparer le chien à un loup, d'établir une forte hiérarchie, de ne décrire les comportements du chien que via le prisme de la dominance?) :
De mon point de vue, oui.
Même si ce livre n'est pas purement un livre sur l'éducation, Adam Miklosi va clairement dans ce sens.
2 petits extraits qui sont parlants... :
- Concernant les comparaisons avec les loups et autres...
"One possibility is to use the concept of friendship (over "wolf in dog's clothing" or "infant in dog's clothing") ; and instead of relying on poorly grounded analogies, develop a specific model for the human - dog interaction."
- Concernant la hiérarchie...
"It seems necessary to move away from the traditionnal and relatively restricted approach of interpreting social relationships solely in terms of dominance hierarchy in favour of a social network approach.
Since the introduction of the concept of the pecking order by Scjelderupp-Ebbe (1922), there is a strong bias towards interpreting animals groups in terms of a dominance hierarchy. (...) Furthermore, there were some erroneous inferences drawn for this model ; for example, that being 'dominant' was seen as an expression of the character of the individual rather than a relative feature associated with the native group.
A more general approach would be useful that regards groups (...) as a network of individuals which share different types of relationships that are maintained by a diverse set of specific social behaviour strategies or tactics".
Bref, ce ne sont que des extraits, mais ça donne déjà une idée du ton général du livre.
Selon vous, ce livre est à avoir absolument ou à éviter? :
A avoir absolument, à condition :
- de parler anglais ;
- d'avoir un dictionnaire anglais-français à côté de soi ;
- d'avoir un dictionnaire français à côté de soi (euh parfois, quand on cherche la traduction d'un mot scientifique en anglais, ben en français on le comprend pas plus
- de ne pas être rebuté par la littérature scientifique !